Partners in Community Forestry

Partners in Community Forestry

Alliance for Community 澳门威尼斯人游戏木一天

November 19, 2024

$199 member $299 non member

Presented by: The Arbor Day Foundation

Event 信息rmation

The trees that make up our communities also inspire us to work together to change our cities and towns for the better. Not only are trees at the heart of our missions, 但它们让我们在一起学习和成长的过程中始终保持联系, 作为一个网络. 我们一起激励新的植澳门威尼斯人游戏者,种植比以往更多的澳门威尼斯人游戏. Alone, in our communities, we can do so little. 但是通过合作,作为一个网络,我们可以做很多事情. Knowing that we’re stronger together will allow us to continue raising the awareness of trees as a solution to some of the world’s most pressing issues. 30多年来,社区澳门威尼斯人游戏木联盟(ACT)的成员一直在种植, 关心 , and advocated for trees, changing the landscape of our community habitat. 加入 us this year at ACT Day to network, 学习, and be inspired by members and other industry professionals as we strengthen this network and industry – together.

This meeting offers:

  • Peer-to-peer 学习 opportunities
  • 网络
  • Educational sessions


To attend please register here:


Tentative, subject to change.

  Tuesday, November 19, 2024


  • The Roots to Chicago’s Tree Ambassador Program
    Melinda Escobar, Morton Arboretum

    Raed Mansour, Chicago Department of Public Health

    本演讲将介绍澳门威尼斯人游戏木大使计划(TAP), a unique tailored program to the City of Chicago. 这是芝加哥市的合作成果, 莫顿植物园的芝加哥地区澳门威尼斯人游戏木倡议(CRTI), and community organizations. 其目的是提高居民对扩大澳门威尼斯人游戏冠的支持, 宣传, and engagement in key areas. The TAP grant offers funding and training to empower community groups in enhancing their ability to champion trees within their networks.

    Starting the Seed in 克利夫兰’s Workforce
    Amanda Wood, 霍尔顿森林 & 花园

    Summary: Standing at a stark 18% canopy cover, 克利夫兰, OH的目标是到2040年将澳门威尼斯人游戏冠增加到30%. 实现这一目标需要大量的时间、资金和训练有素的人员共同努力.

    霍尔顿森林 & 花园, an arboretum in NE Ohio, meets this need with Tree Corps CREW, a paid work program which cares for trees while creating opportunities for underserved communities to 学习 arboriculture skills. This program is an example which could be mirrored elsewhere to improve training and engage communities in creating sustainable tree canopy.

    Miyawaki in Detroit, Michigan
    Fai Foen & Christina Ridella, The Greening of Detroit

    Kate Gmyrek, City of Detroit

    摘要:作为底特律市试点自然口袋计划的一部分, environmental non-profit The Greening of Detroit advocated for a Miyawaki Forest (bareroot) to be installed in a large field behind Lasky Recreation Center, in addition to a larger tree (1.5英寸卡尺)和草甸装置创造了两种不同的林地发展模式. 裸根澳门威尼斯人游戏和灌木宫崎森林于2024年5月安装. We hope to share this project to contribute to the collective research of afforestation projects in the Midwest United States.

    Urban Forestry in the Great Lakes Region Q&A


  • Research Where You Live, Learn, Work, and Recreate
    Phil Rodbell; USDA Forest Service

    Summary: This presentation will introduce the work of USDA Forest Service Urban Field Stations and the 60+ research scientists who are focused on urban forest sustainability. 这项工作包括研究和发表关于生态系统管理的发现和工具, tree canopy assessment, stewardship activities, local governance, 与大学合作收集数据, 政府, and community-based organizations. Participants will 学习 how to engage, 合作伙伴, and leverage the work of scientists in support of urban and community forestry and organizational sustainability.

    Valerie Tamburri, TreeFolks

    摘要:极端天气事件和长期干旱影响了德克萨斯州中部的植澳门威尼斯人游戏项目. The TreeFolks reforestation team is experimenting with various approaches to boost tree survival despite the odds.

    Joe Wheelock, Heartland Tree Alliance

    Summary: In order to plant trees to create a community that can handle extreme weather we must address the challenges and barriers that compete with the desire from utilities, 市政府和政府联络机构植澳门威尼斯人游戏. 我们已经确定了一些社区策略,这些策略在短期和长期都取得了一些成功. Creating communities that are green, 健康的, and thriving has required Bridging The Gap to build relationships with nontraditional partners and commit to building authentic relationships.

    Resilient Communities Q&A

  一般会话: 澳门威尼斯人游戏 and Technology

  • 澳门威尼斯人游戏 are People Too: Tracking 澳门威尼斯人游戏 Through a CRM
    David Meshoulam, Speak for the 澳门威尼斯人游戏

    Summary: Tracking the condition, 大小, 而澳门威尼斯人游戏木的位置——无论是种植的澳门威尼斯人游戏木还是赠送的澳门威尼斯人游戏木——总是一个挑战. 当澳门威尼斯人游戏木分布在不同的社区并且有不同的“所有者”时,尤其如此。. This presentation explores how Speak for the 澳门威尼斯人游戏 developed a tree-tracking system within its Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) system to connect trees to people and track trees' location and health.

    Engage with MyTree and Our澳门威尼斯人游戏
    Ana Castillo, The Davey Institute

    Summary: Getting people excited about trees - or let's face it: getting them on board to better understand tree benefits - can be a daunting task. i-Tree有两个免费且易于使用的工具,可以帮助您与受众和潜在利益相关者进行互动. 这两种工具都提供了对二氧化碳减缓的快速估计, storm water impacts, and air pollution removal. MyTree works at the ground level with individual trees while Our澳门威尼斯人游戏 looks at the canopy across entire communities. 这两种工具都可以成为有用的自我发现工具,并提供指导交互.

    Mike Oxendine; OUR Community Forestry

    c. Summary: Following the destructive Almeda Wildfire, 人才, 俄勒冈州, 面对的不仅是复苏,还有复兴的前景. This presentation highlights Mike Oxendine's pioneering project with OUR Community Forestry and partners to reforest 人才 Middle School and 人才 Elementary School. Through collaborative efforts, innovative technology, and community involvement, the initiative not only offers hope to the community's recovery but also establishes a benchmark for urban forestry endeavors amid challenges.

    澳门威尼斯人游戏 and Technology Q&A

  一般会话: Urban Forestry Programs

  • Community-Guided Strategies for Shade Equity
    Eileen Garcia, TreePeople

    Summary: : TreePeople developed urban forest management plans that integrated community-guided strategies toward building shade equity. Workshops that included hands-on activities was fundamental in guiding urban forest management strategies though a climate and human health framework. 我们将介绍研讨会的过程、我们的发现和应急策略. 进一步, we will discuss how community organizers of tree planting activities convert these strategies into on the ground decisions and actions.

    Growing an Urban Forestry Program
    Mark Cassini; Community Greening

    摘要:探讨成功开展城市林业活动的策略. 我们将探讨提高参与植澳门威尼斯人游戏活动的策略, 包括向已建立的ACT组织学习和发展种植计划, to engagement and marketing strategies. 学习实际的见解和可操作的要点,以提高参与度, attract volunteers and donors, and increase organization & mission awareness.

    Organizing Your Tree Distribution
    Lauren Jones, Shreveport Green

    总结:一步一步地讨论建立和有效地流澳门威尼斯人游戏分发项目的最佳方法. 我们将借鉴我们的经验,运用我们的最佳做法.

    The Soil Soldiers
    Jaffee Judah; Recycle & 再投资

    概要:土壤士兵是由Jaffee Judah领导的回收和再投资项目. 它使青年参与环境管理和绿色职业机会. Through activities like planting trees, content creation, and soil science, the program aims to empower underserved youth and those impacted by the justice system to become community leaders.

    Alex Beasley, 澳门威尼斯人游戏 Atlanta

    Summary: An exploration of 澳门威尼斯人游戏 Atlanta's push for a stronger tree ordinance and the subsequent effect it's had on our various planting programs.

    Cross-Sector Lessons in Urban Orcharding
    Ashley Williamson, The Giving Grove

    Summary: Perennial edibles in the form of fruit and nut trees and berries are becoming more common in urban food forests and gardens. Through little orchards, 以及与当地林务人员和合作伙伴的接触和合作, we can engage our local communities in 学习 and caring about our urban landscape beyond garden spaces and protecting the health our existing urban forests. 加入 us and hear about some of our lessons 学习ed, 以及我们如何通过共同努力来提高协作性和意识.

  一般会话: 澳门威尼斯人游戏苗圃 Panel

  • 澳门威尼斯人游戏苗圃 Lessons Learned
    Megan Palomo, Tree Pittsburgh

    Mark Cassini, Community Greening

    Jake Roeckle, Forest ReLeaf of Missouri

    Kyle Derr, Casey 澳门威尼斯人游戏

    在全国的城市里,对各种澳门威尼斯人游戏木的需求越来越大, 一些ACT成员组织也开始了自己的苗圃. 四位经验丰富的小组成员将分享他们的育儿故事,并讨论一路上学到的经验教训. Each panelist will explain their unique perspectives and tree growing strategies to inspire and empower other organizations with their successful models.


  • Community-Guided Strategies for Shade Equity
    Eileen Garcia, TreePeople

    Summary: TreePeople developed urban forest management plans that integrated community-guided strategies toward building shade equity. Workshops that included hands-on activities was fundamental in guiding urban forest management strategies though a climate and human health framework. 我们将介绍研讨会的过程、我们的发现和应急策略. 进一步, we will discuss how community organizers of tree planting activities convert these strategies into on the ground decisions and actions.

    Jessica Sanders; Sacramento Tree Foundation

    Summary: A frequent barrier to participation in urban forestry using Maslow's hierarchy of needs requires a high level of fulfillment to create green communities. 虽然许多人试图创建包容性的城市林业项目,但却没有多个参与的切入点, 学习, and participation - the best intentions fall flat. 萨克拉门托澳门威尼斯人游戏木基金会更新了它的项目,以照顾澳门威尼斯人游戏木社区和我们的员工. 萨克拉门托地区从种子到板材的包容性城市林业模式的培育.

    People-Powered Community Forests
    Amos White; 100k 澳门威尼斯人游戏 for Humanity

    如果养一个孩子需要一个村庄,那么养一棵澳门威尼斯人游戏需要什么呢? 听听“10万棵澳门威尼斯人游戏为人类”创始人兼首席种植官阿莫斯·怀特的看法, on how their nonprofit is raising thousands of community trees in a people powered citizen driven campaign to plant California's municipal urban tree canopies to 30% for climate, 对股票, and for public health by 2030.

    Dr. Christine Carmichael, Fair Forest Consulting

    Summary: Summary: From intentional partnerships with communities and corporations to facilitating dialogue between renters and property owners about trees, ACT成员组织通过一系列参与战略取得了成功. This presentation will summarize some of the approaches to engaging diverse communities that are working–and some reflection questions that will help them adapt as needed.


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